Who can become a member?

Membership is open to any Swiss or Romanian registered entity sharing the CCE-R objectives and goals. Companies wishing to become CCE-R members should be able to prove their interest and participation to the economic and business relations between Switzerland and Romania.



Applicant companies should fill in the below short questionnaire. The membership application should be accompanied by the recommendations of two CCE-R members or one CCE-R Board Member. Recommendations from the Swiss Embassy, the Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Central Europe (SEC) as well as other Swiss Chambers of Commerce from Central Europe are also accepted.

If applicant companies do not have such recommendations they will meet with one of the Board Members who will afterwards issue recommendations on their membership application. The final decision regarding a membership application is taken at the next CCE-R Board Meeting.


Final steps

Once the membership application is approved, the applicant should pay the yearly membership fee (EUR 500 equivalent). After payment is confirmed, the applicants become full CCE-R members, enjoying / having full CCE-R benefits / obligations.


Registering form

Please download the registration form, complete it and upload it on the online form on the right
